
Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro:

Located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was designed by Affonso Eduardo Reidy (1909-1964), and was completed in 1967. It is in the Centro District, west of Santos Dumont Airport, on Guanabara Bay. The two buildings annexed to the exhibition pavilion are separated from it through two different gardens. The first one is composed of two rectangles that conform an L. Inside the museum offers dining experience in restaurants and bars. The second floor has an irregular outline and houses an theatre.

Currents is co-organizing an exhibition with the same concept at the M.A.M in Rio de Janeiro. Opening on November 6th, 2019. TROPOSPHERE in Rio will emphasize a vision of China through the lenses of Chinese artists. Different artists will participate in the exhibition at MAM – Rio. Sarina Tang and Fernando Cocchiarale, will co-curate this exhibition assisted by Fernanda Lopes.